Friday 1 June 2007


I knew there was something I forgot to mention in that last blog...

I was handed from a small girls purse, two £1 coins, a 5op and a tooth complete with dried blood in return for a kids meal. I let her keep the tooth with a vicious shudder and "I think this is yours....your change and tooth".

Ugh I washed my hands very thoroughly afterwards and when asked why I used about 10 squirts of soap I explained and got a "yeah thats pretty disgusting" from everyone in the kitchen.


  1. Maybe the tooth fairy didn't visit, so they thought it could be used as part payment there and then instead.

  2. That is disgusting. Small children paying for things is entertaining though. With me they usually look really scared, but proud at the same time that they've managed it... Maybe I just look scary...
