Monday 4 May 2009

Its all about CLASS

This post is basically, a good old grumble about Pizza Hut's cost cutting measures :)

The EU bought in regulations regarding the shape, size and colouring of vegetables.

Most of the vegetables you'll buy in supermarkets will be Class 1, consistent shape vegetables and fruit. (No more LOL at the shape of that carrot, potato etc!). So all the vegetables that don't make the grade are then called Class 2 and are significantly cheaper. Aldi and other discounters will sell this stuff routinely.

Pizza Hut uses Class 2 vegetables, as they are cheaper. But it causes problems with how our products look. While we are badgered about the thickness of a slice of cucumber, "supply chain" are happy for us to use one cucumber which has virtually black skin, and others which are almost yellow.

While for the majority of the products it makes very little difference, it just shows that their commitment to quality goes as far as "only if it's cheap enough!".

Anyway enough moaning for this post. If I still have any readers left (I must start posting more regularly again and get my name back out there!!!!) Please leave a comment if you're still reading because it'd be great to hear from you!


  1. YES!!!! I am still are on my blog roll and I miss you.

    Hope all is well with you and I definitely will read when you post.

    We love ya!

  2. I never removed your blog from my RSS reader, living in hope... and you're back! Hooray!

    "(No more LOL at the shape of that carrot, potato etc!)"Ah, now I know why "That's Life!" disappeared from our screens!

    I must admit, I've often had pizzas and thought "Christ, where do they source their ingredients from?!" at the sight of some odd-looking vegetable matter. But then, all the places are a bit like this, if you think of those glossy posters of burgers that they have up in the windows of MacDonald's or Burger King; your burger will NEVER look like the one in the window or on the menu!

  3. surreydeliverydriver05/05/2009, 09:25

    I'm still reading too. Really get pee'd off at Pizza Hut's stringent views on costs especially labour costs. It's a problem if you don't get the sales so they cut the available hours for the next week then wonder why service is rubbish when you haven't got enough receptionists or drivers to cope if it's busier that following week!

  4. I'm still here! It came as a bit of a shock to see your blog post arrive in my reader. Keep them coming!

  5. I still have you in my bloglines :)

  6. Hey Pizza Hut Team Member. What's it like working for Pizza Hut? This would be a good article to feature on our blog. Please let us know if you are interested.


    Blog Pizza

  7. What do you guys think about this Pizza hut dough recipe? Do you have any suggestions for a better dough? I've never worked there so I don't know like an employee!

  8. Mate, in addition to the dough question above, have you seen the new salad bar adverts? I wondered if the condiments were really like the four green glass bottles of dressing, or just four great big four litre plastic jugs, with "product of more than one country" stamped across them, ;-)

    Just wondered what they would look like after the mad lunchtime rush etc.

  9. I'll come back to the dough question later as I'll do a quick post on it.

    The dressings do indeed come in those fancy glass bottles. They are actually 4 different type of Olive Oils and as such aren't used a great deal so keep quite tidy. The vat of mayonnaise is an entirely different matter though. "DWANE DO YOU WANT MAYO?" "YEAH SHIT LOADS" Mayo all over the counter, up peoples shirts, on the floor, in the rest of the salad.

    The "new" salad bar is a vast improvement on the old one though. Customers do comment quite a lot about it. I guess it's because it became so drab. To illustrate how upmarket it is, PH gave selected (10 out of around 700 (sigh)) huts dressing which had champagne and gold leaf in it. It's all used up or been nicked now though.

    James you ought to go to PH one evening, you may be surprised! I'd recommend a quiet weekday evening as the service will be a hell of a lot better than a Saturday or any lunchtime.

  10. I just started working at a Pizza Hut Express store, although in Australia. I don't think we have any restaurants left in my city.
    I don't do much, just a CSR. It's my first job. And cause I've got a little bit of a disability they let me not take anything out the oven. The only thing I can pack is pretty much garlic bread hahahaha

    I really like reading this blog. Even though it's a bit different to what I've experienced it's good to see that overall it's around the same. Service wise and whatever. ^^

  11. Just spent an hour sifting through your blog, quite an interesting read, I'm an RGM at a Pizza Hut and can sympathise with most of what you scribe! :)
    Post some more please! Especially as you're now at a restaurant, you must have more tales of repellent customers...

  12. But which is more nutritious? Class 1 or Class 2? Or is the nutrients are approximately the same for both classes?

    Pizza Hut Company Profile

  13. Welcome back - you have been so missed by everyone working in "customer service"!!

  14. Great stuff. Very interesting and something to think about. What this means is that this will soon come to America in the form of heightened vegetables and diet scrutiny.

    Here's a great article on losing weight fast.

  15. It would be interesting to note the difference between fast food stores. Like between Papa Johns, Pizza Hut, Dominos and maybe even McDonalds or Burger King. Does one have a higher class and higher paid employee? Which has the best tasting food and which is the healthiest for you?

  16. I am a delivery driver if Florida, and I would like to ask that Pizza Hut Corporation change the terminology from Delivery Charge to Sur Charge. Many customers believe that the drivers get the $2.50 delivery charge and don't tip us for the service. It's embarrassing to explain this charge, if I get the chance to, and most don't believe me anyway. Help, please pass this along whenever you have the opportunity to.
    The Old Man

  17. Pizza Hut uses Class 2 vegetables Oh ma god I never knew this thanks for this post keep it up...

  18. Does anyone know about the pizza hut management restructure thats taking place in silence at the moment???? lots of support managers to be given 60 days notice to be demoted back to team support for each store.....that sucks!!!!

  19. have you ever read the boxes that the dough and chicken come in esp the ingredients? look for MSG

  20. Anon...

    Yep we've had the management restructure. It's bringing the structure into line with KFC, as we've recently got a new MD who (Jens Hofna?) who comes from KFC.

    Stores will be left with one RGM, one deputy (in lower PSA stores, no deputy) and bench managers. Bench managers will be basically supports, who are paid hourly, and only paid management rate when they are duty manager.

    Deputy designate is a post which appears to be gone, and it's really fucked things up for a few of our managers, who relied on a regular salary with a family to support, who now don't know what their income is week to week.

    Apologies for not blogging.

  21. We're still here! Ready and waiting for a new post... ;-)

  22. Thanks for that i will post your blog on the pizza hut facebook page for all to see!!!

  23. Pizza hut is well known for shitting all over it's staff..... This company could not b classy if it tried....90% of it's customers are trash....who are dumbed down from all the MSG in the food and aspartame in the diet drinks......James ....Scotland

  24. They need to start culling from the top down especially those teats at head office who send weather reports to each store on a daily basis......and they can't even afford to change the website prices coz it costs too much...what a bunch ov wankers.......anon. Brighton

  25. We will be cuuting our own veg as from next week, new cutting machines are arriving already!!!!cutting cost's no doubt!!



  26. Well the whole company is fucked!!!!!

  27. Hi there! I work for Pizza Hut too and have loads of things to moan about, they're such terrible people to work for, I feel really unvalued and they're constantly trying to rip off their staff. Maybe I should start my own blog...

  28. Inspired by this I thought I could use my great wisdom of life the universe and everything to give free advice as presents.

  29. Cost cutting?? as per a survey pizza chains are best profit making chains and pizza hut is surely in that list. Charging clients in cash and cutting role of managers is not a good decision.

  30. Yes we have to cut those shitty bendy half rotten cucumbers. Remember when onions, peppers and tomatoes came in pre-sliced. Now they reckon its cheaper to by whole veg and we slice it daily. How can it be cheaper when you have to pay some poor sod to slice onion "rainbow style" bindly cos they cant see for the tears streaming down their face from the vapours. It takes flipping ages to cut enough to fill a crock for the salad bar and with the free salad bar shizzle it means u need a never ending supply that as well as cucumbers, mixed peppers. Cutting costs here makes no sense of team member has to spend ages chopping veg for cheap ass chavs who arent even going to pay for the salad.

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