Saturday, 22 December 2007


Well as it is supposed to be busy because people are Christmas shopping...the 'crème de la crème' of staff are put on the front counter to clear queues. Well it has not been busy, not much more than a normal week. But because me and a few of the people who are normally tucked away in the kitchen have been on the front, it's been reasonably amusing.

The first customer of any interest, was the one who was shocked when I told him that, no, fries aren't 30p. Fries for 30p !?

The next was very funny I thought. A man bought a Margherita pizza, which as it has no toppings on, you can see all the cheese clearly. We cut the pizzas into slices and then mark the box with the topping and time it needs to be discarded (those numbers from 0 to 12 you'll see on most fast food, or in the case of McDonalds those numbered flags they have in their holds). We use a food safe pen for this marking, which is black - but if it gets wet it goes blue. And the blades for cutting pizza are kept near the pen, as the pizza is taken from the oven, put into a box, cut, then marked.

So, occasionally the pen can come into contact with the pizza. The man bought the pizza back as it had a blue stain right on the cut line. It was from a dough pen. I replaced the pizza and apologised. A minute later he came back and said "Is it my unlucky day or something...?" he had another pizza with a blue stain! What had happened was - that the blade had a pen mark so was making each pizza blue. So the blade was cleaned and another pizza given to him. Well, I was about to give him his pizza when he walked back to his table - because his bags of shopping and the rest of his meal was gone!!! The cleaners had been very efficient and taken it away while he was at the counter!

So overall, I'd say it was his unlucky day!

Another good thing about the front counter is you can be very nosey and watch the world go by (well, the centre) and I saw two men having a "disagreement". Three large security officers later, they'd been separated and put as far away from each other as possible. I asked later what it was about, and apparently it was an arguement over who had "spotted" the table first (in a similar fashion to car park space wars).

Happy Christmas if I don't see you before!

Thursday, 20 December 2007

Merry Christmas

Well I have neglected this blog haven't I!

I am sorry about that, but I am gradually losing the "passion" for Pizza Hut as I'm getting tired of working 9 hours and getting 30 minutes break. Thats 8.5 hours standing up, no sitting, virtually no leaning! I'm not asking for sympathy or anything, just sometimes think I could either not be doing anything, or doing some easier (as in physically) for more money. I think I want a part time desk job!!

Have a good Christmas everyone :-)