Wednesday, 3 October 2007

"I don't work here"

I have a tip for anyone who wishes to impersonate a staff member of any store. All you need to do is wear a plain black shirt, black trousers and have an ID card or similar hanging from your trousers.

Today before work I thought I'd look for some new trainers and shoes. My first stop was JJB for the trainers. Literally 10 seconds after I'd walked in I had someone elses CV in my hand. I thought they were someone handing out leaflets so just took it without making eye contact. Then I realised that the woman who gave it me said "Can I just hand you my CV?". I stopped and was a bit baffled about the whole thing, and said "I don't work here". "Well you look like you do!". The shirt I had on didn't have the Pizza Hut logo on the front (has it at back instead). I looked round and saw the staff in there wear grey and maroon - nothing like my black outfit.

In a hunt for new shoes, I went into Next. I was checking them out when a bloke walked up to me and asked where the belts were. I explained I didn't work there but showed him anyway because I had bought one a few weeks ago.

In total I think I've been mistaken for a staff member in about 7 or 8 different shops. The most silly was Boots - as I was in all black, their staff wear all white.

A final funny thing I heard a colleague say to a customer, when the ICF machine slowed down because the mix inside need to freeze was "Oh you need to leave it to defrost because it is freezing up". Not the brightest.


cogidubnus said...

Like the day I stood (in an ordinary dark suit) on Cosham Station, awaiting a train, and had to repeatedly fend of an abusive family who simply didn't believe that I didn't work for a train company and therefore simply didn't know the times of their onward connections... they still looked disbelieving as I boarded my train...

Truth is they were simply too idle to go into the (manned) ticket office and ask...

Al said...

I've never been mistaken for a member of staff in another store before. I have, however, been recognised as an employee in my store when not in uniform.

I also made the mistake once of going into another of our stores while still wearing my uniform. A customer asked me to go and look for something in the back and of course I had to refuse. I did explain that I although I did work for the company I didn't work in that store. I knew they didn't believe me when they said they were going to complain.

I wonder how they got on with that.

James (UK) said...

You all must have "airs of authority" about you.. ;-)

Wear a baseball hat backwards when going out in future, and I expect the problem will cease!

"Oh you need to leave it to defrost because it is freezing up"

That reminds me of what Amber says... "Oh, it needs to get warmer before it snows"

No, I can't understand the logic in that one either...

Al said...

My Mum says a similar thing "it's too cold for snow".

I've given up debating the logic of that.

Anonymous said...

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