Tuesday, 8 April 2008

30 minutes ironing for £5 when using Pizza Hut Delivery

Pizza Hut on 1st April launched a new service, where you can order 30 minutes of ironing and vacuuming for £5, completed by the delivery driver when you order for delivery. Not bad.

But the funny thing is, that was the "internal" April fools joke. And at the bottom it had a number that stores could ring about arranging training for the service. They actually had phone calls to this number and the next day - they had to send a memo confirming that yes, it was an April fool.

However, if you are registered with Pizza Hut you may get a mail shot with a picture of a delivery driver ironing and cleaning as it's part of their latest marketing campaign.

And I have another what could be seen as an April fool, but what a customer actually claimed he was going to do. Pizza Hut have got the name Pasta Hut, but this man is going to get "Samosa Hut".

The conversation went like this:

"You're always changing the menu!"
"Oh .."
"Not like KFC - I've been eating them 30 years, you know where you stand with them"
"Ha, we're actually part of the same company"

He ranted on a bit more, about how there are always tiny differences each time he comes and then said

"You know what I'm gonna do, right, I'm gonna start SAMOSA HUT"
"Yeah - I'm just waiting for somewhere I can start it, have you ever had a samosa?"
"Only ones from a supermarket"
"WHAT? Not that rubbish, I'm on about proper Indian shit, proper massive good filling samosas!"
"Sounds nice !!"
"Yeah, I'll be a millionaire"
"I'll look out for you then!"


James (UK) said...


The only recent April Fool that caught me was the Mars Bar one saying "check your barcode on your wrappers and if it matches this one, you've won!".

I must admit to thinking I'd won a substantial sum of money for about 5 minutes, until my usually sharp mind twigged! ;-)

Al said...

My company lacks a sense of humour so there were no April Fools for us.

Anonymous said...

i work for pizza hut in texas. last weekend i took a couple of pies to a residence. the old couple were swingers looking for me to provide more than the pizza. offered me 200 bucks to come in and stay a while. i got out of there pretty quick.

Anonymous said...

Is this Pizza Hut practice an April Fools joke too???

Anonymous said...

Our store has had it's April fool joke a bit late.

Work hard for us, make us money and make sure you fulfill all CHAMPS requirements, oh by the way, we're selling the premises (one of the few Huts that they own probably) you're in so you'll be out of a job soon, don't slam the door on the way out.

Anonymous said...

They r selling the lease on pizza hut in Hull!!!! during the credit crunch LOL....silly P.H.

reetajenet said...

We ordered a Pizza Hut family feast to get our pizza fix, and the order-taker asked if we would like to pay through credit card. We were intrigued with the idea, and we also wanted to increase our points, so we agreed. 30 minutes later, delivery guy arrives, and brings out this nifty mobile card swiper. He got a signal; transaction over within minutes.

Guaranteed ROI