Saturday 16 September 2006

The training and then the train

The induction just went through some of the basics, mainly stuff I'd already learnt on my four shifts already. Some bits were quite interesting, the rest was boring. The only fact I can think of, off the top of my head is that if a customer writes to head office to complain about a particular restaurant, they are fined £50. So we are not to give our head office address without first consulting the manager! Not that anyone would ever want to complain about us, well not on my shift because I always adhere to CHAMPS and the MOT!

CHAMPS is Pizza Hut's big idea.
Cleanliness (sp?)
Product Quality

I wonder whether the words or the acronym came first?

Then theres MOT - Moments of Truth.
For my version of Pizza Hut -there are only 4 (Full serve have 10). Greeting, Ordering, Delivery, Bye & Thanks.

I personally think I'm one of the friendliest people who works in the food area of this particular shopping centre, so why would anyone want to complain - unless they are reading this blog with me slagging them off!!

So that was the training - nothing much to talk about just corporate this and that. Then there was the train home.

Lovely civil journey until I got to my first connection. Get a seat (just), and on come a crowd of partially drunk rugby fans. Not a problem really, yet. Then the train is about to depart. Two youths then decide they'll get on the train, pulling back the doors from opening. The station assistant is not happy, and neither would I be if I had signalled for the train to go. These youths (they were older than me - but still youths - the not very nice type), then began swearing and sticking their heads out the door at the station assistant. He came over telling them to get off - they weren't having it. The train is now delayed. Station manager comes over, tells them to get off. They wouldn't. Right, that's it then. Train engine goes off. "This train will not go until you get off". Now the rugby fans, standing in the door way where the youths also are, saying "Come on lads, get off, we wanna get home". They get off. BUT THEN the rugby fans decide they now like these youths, and shout "COME ON GET BACK ON NOW - THEY WON'T SEE YOU". Yeah sure they won't, you've got 2 station assistants, one station manager, one ticket man, and one driver watching. They got back on and hid on the train - the rugby fans now encouraging them. The train is now 7 minutes delayed.

The police are now here, one chap on his own - how the hell can he possibly find these youths on a train packed full of all sorts, including the around 15 nob head rugby fans? He can't. The rugby fans lie of course - "No officer, they both got off". Then they contradict themselves with "They won't do any harm while we're here" Yeah right, you lot are half the problem. Station manager says "You say that, but what about at the next station, then the station after that - they are getting off". Anyway, 12 minutes later, they are still not off the train. The train leaves the station. What a waste of time. I wish they had stuck to their guns and got the idiots off. But really, they couldn't - and I felt sorry for them. Then all the way back, the drunken, offensive and rude fans were sinking and shouting at other passengers. The ticket man didn't come out of his box to collect tickets, purely because there were at least 20 nobs on the train. So the rail system lost out on ticket money, on the delay fines (£40 a minute...according to the police officer), and also on the refunds they will be paying out. Anyway - sorry for my first post with bad language, but this stuff just really annoys me because I'm considered a 'youth' and these morons give the rest of us a bad name.

Anyway I hope not to digress from the topic of Pizza Hut too much, just I had to tell someone!

Next shift is Monday, so next post will be then - unless I find any interesting photos.

1 comment:

ViaLeigh said...

I will never eat at Pizza Hut again. Pizza Hut suspended a man who "violated" "the Pizza Hut" employee agreement... it is the agreement that wont allow employees to carry guns while making deliveries.
Well, the man had a gun held to his head while being robbed... Had he not shot this man he may be dead himself.
I don't know about you, as for me Pizza Hut is not worth dying for (it's barely worth eating at) AND, if Pizza Hut can't stand behind, and support, a LONG TIME EMPLOYEE.. then they aren't worth supporting with my money as a PAST customer.

Via Leigh of Nashville TN.