Friday 22 December 2006

Christmas spirit?

My blog is no longer a secret!! It turns out my ENTIRE family has been reading it without my knowledge. Oh well I won't be able to bitch about them on here now. *waving to them*

It seems every other person has turned nasty because it is Christmas. Ok this might be a slightly over estimation, but it's not far off.

The shopping centre has this lovely festive music piping through the entire place. Lovely if you are just popping in for something to eat. But not if you work there and it drives you insane.

This is what I said when a customer was nearby, to another team member
"Doesn't this music drive you insane?"
Before they could reply "EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS MY FAVOURITE CHRISTMAS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ok, are you really angry or joking - I'm not sure.
"Oh you know what it is called?" I asked.
"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAVE JUST SAID THAT" Ok darlin' keep calm. I weren't even talking to you - it was a private conversation but seeing as you are a customer...
"Oh right sorry" half laughing thinking she is joking. I'm really not sorry.

I do have another crappy customer story but I'll save that for tonight so it encourages me to blog again before Christmas. This customer was one where I immediately thought "She is going on the blog".


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean! I work at the lovely McDonalds lol. The constant christmas songs though mostly nice, do get a bit annoying when you hear them over and over and over again, and there's no end of ott customers thinking that we'll miss them if we lose their hello, we have like a gazillion other people in the queue here hee hee. :)
* Merry Christmas *

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Hut member.

caramaena said...

I feel your pain :)

I used to work in radio and December was just christmas music at an increasing rate as the month wore on. It's a bit wearing.

Merry Christmas!