Friday 8 December 2006

It's Christmas!!!

Thank you for the continued comments and visits! This blog is also being linked to from quite a few places now...places I've never heard of - so that is nice.

We've had a notice come through which went to all huts, that I thought was interesting. It is a reminder that breast feeding is permitted in all concepts of the Pizza Hut brand. There must have been some problems with it recently. Just thought I'd mention that.

So now it is CHRISTMAS! I've already been driven insane by the nasty carols someone has decided to put on the PA system and turned up the volume. I'm wondering whether I just start doing a little jingle that instead of saying have a nice meal... and using"Have a nice Christmas!" I'd be interested in what you guys think? Good or bad idea? I might trial it and see the results.

Oh and one final thing, the problem with availability of salads. This lady came up to the counter and ordered something or other and it had a side salad. She totally flipped when I APOLOGISED (which a lot of my colleagues don't even bother doing) and said we didn't have any salad. "OH MY GOD. I AM LEGALLY ALLOWED TO HAVE SALAD INSTEAD OF FRIES". Legally allowed??? What planet was she on? The funny thing was, she then followed her flip with "Right I'll just have the fries then - I'LL JUST THROW THEM AWAY THOUGH". Sure you will...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are the fries/salad included in the price or was she going to buy the fries then "throw them away" to make a point?