Sunday 26 November 2006

Seeing red again

Now this time it was me seeing red, but not literally. Sorry I didn't jump over the counter and headbutt someone or anything exciting but I was angry.

This family came up to the counter. They took ages looking at the menu, while standing in the way of 3 tills. I was about to serve them, when this lady popped along and knew exactly what she wanted. In the meantime a colleague was now serving the family. They were a young family, I mean... young children, young parents. Now I could hear and see how long the order was taking and I tend to laugh when this happens to this particular colleague because he is so patient but I know he hates it. Anyway, they finally ordered their meals. It was quite a big order - more than £10. Then they went to get their drinks etc. They made a nice mess over there - lids everywhere, the usual. Then they went and sat down. Then I was serving another customer - but I saw out the corner of my eye someone fall off their chair. Ha!! It was the woman from the slow family. I had to control my laughter in front of another customer, but as soon as I was done with her, I went round the back and laughed. For a long time.

Anyway - that wasn't the last of them. When they had finished their meal, instead of doing what 1000s of other people do everyday, putting their rubbish into the nearest bin, the family decided they would bring their rubbish up to our counter and leave it in the corner. I was round the front, my colleague serving, so I stormed over to the rubbish and crashed it into the bin not in our store, but in the seating area. Great - he had split milk all over the floor. The great thing was - they were sitting right next to the bin. Now this really doesn't sound very exciting...but my immediate reaction to his mess, and fetching the mop, cleaning sign and huge mop bucket I think must have made him least something.

I just needed to tell you how much mess people make.

I really fancy some pizza today - but I'm not working..! Weird.


David said...

Now I know why I don't let any one on the bus with fast food, not even pizzas. And I don't have to clean up after them.

caramaena said...

I hate going to busy food courts and finding people's trays and spills all over the tables (and usually there aren't many tables to choose from).

For goodness sakes people - put your rubbish in the bins close by! Wipe up the spilled drink a bit with your serviette, after wiping your hands/face!

ok rant over :)

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