Thursday 23 November 2006

Seeing red

I thought I had a bleed in my eye or something today. A mother and daughter came in - wearing all red. It wasn't a going out kind of outfit or a uniform. The outfits were also slightly different, but it was all just plain red. Weird.

I gave a cup of hot water today against the rules. The baby though - just looked so innocent and hungry, I couldn't resist. Hope he enjoyed the milk. :-)

A lady who has been in before came in today - a very jolly happy person. Nice customers cheer you up.

Oh there was the couple who are possibly tramps as well - they are amusing, mainly because of their crazy hair.

Now I've noticed this for a while but only just come round to writing it. The pair of ladies who come to the counter and order their meals together. They both have their purses out, and they look like their both willing to pay. They both get the money out, but at the last second - one of them reaches my hand before the other - and is quite delibrate. Then the one whos money I didn't take looks a little shocked and goes "It's alright I'll get this!!" "No no you got me that ..." Basically what I'm trying to say - one of the pair always knows they weren't going to pay, they were just making out they were willing to pay.


Anonymous said...

It's quite amusing when they argue over who is going to pay. Personally I wouldn't bother arguing, if someone offers to pay then who am I to refuse?

jezpiz said...

Is there anyone that can email me ( picture / photo of the Pizza Hut uniform (not being worn by someone?) Thanks and Happy New Year.