Friday 23 March 2007


I can always tell when someone is coming back to complain that they had found something in their food. It is different to the 'slightly jolly' face I would say most people who have received the wrong thing or it isn't hot enough. The finding something though, their face can be neatly summed up with a Google Image search of disgusted.

I had two in one day of the above. The first was "EEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I HAVE FOUND A HUGE HAIR IN MY PIZZA!". It was rather funny because she had eaten all but one slice, and then bit into it to discover this "huge hair". It was infact short and curly...which I can only assume came from someones goaty in the morning! Apparently beard nets are now on order. A refund, an offer of more food (refused!) and a sincere apology later she'd gone but she probably will not return...

Then another lady came back. It was quite a nasty accusation which started the conversation. "I just bought these dough balls and they've got one of YOUR hairs in."... I could barely see this hair and I was going "Where is it??...Must be the light I can't see it...oh yes there it is, but it can't be do you want a replacement?" "A replacement hair?" A fake laugh and "Err dough balls or something else?". "No just a refund I've lost my appetite now". I gave her the refund. The thing was, the hair was inside the dough ball, which we don't make, we just put them in pans and through the oven. I was not involved with these dough balls at all but it was somehow MY hair!

Oh well, it adds a bit of variation and refunds are very simple. We have a complex system where...we give them the money straight from the till and then say "Yeah I had to give a refund because...blah blah". You then see it written in the column in the refund book - Reason - Beard in pizza.

PS: Exciting news for any of you who do visit Pizza Hut Express....the menu is changing VERY soon so look out for some new things. It is going to change now on a more regular basis, as the corporate geniuses seem to have woken up...that yes we do exist, yes we've served the same things for years and yes we are actual Pizza Huts!

PPS: I have added Arriva Driver Richard and Work Blogging James to my blogroll. Both of these blogs are worth a read.


David said...

Working blog has the same link as Arriva Driver in the post, it's OK in the blog roll though.
I like the new template.
A replacement hair? You should have offered them a rabbit

Pizza Hut Team Member said...

Corrected the error now - thanks :-)