Tuesday 17 April 2007


I have this clever little tool, like many other Bloggers which records how people get to this blog.

A few are through searching the internet....and here are some of the terms they used to get here.

kids meal restaurant - yes, we have kids meals.

how to become a pizza hut manager - most of the managers have been promoted from lower positions.

isn't worth the hassle of returns - IT IS ALWAYS WORTH THE HASSLE!!!

securitas vehicle under attack - I wonder why.

pizza hut team member blog - a very precise search, bordering on scary.

pizza hut team member - another precise search.

alasdair murdoch pizza hut - he is the new-ish CEO, and he seems to be doing quite good!

pizza hut uk application form - get one from your local restaurant.

how old do you have to be to work in pizza hut? - 16.


David said...

Someone once came to my blog after putting in "Chain Saw". I had just done a piece on Chain saws on buses so they arrived at my blog.

Anonymous said...

The 'pizza hut team member' searches presumably came from people who have actually read your blog before and were looking for it again, so probably not too scary.

Al said...

I used to have something similar but I forgot the password for it. Some of the searches are quite bizzare, and how search engines relate them back to the blog is even stranger.

I could do with a new stat service. What do you use and is it any good?

Pizza Hut Team Member said...

I use statcounter.com - and it is pretty good for what I want/need. It has basically a one hundred limit on everything it records, except overall visitor numbers, but you can pay for it if you want - but considering it is free and doesn't put any adverts etc it is good.

Arriva Driver said...

You should be worried when people start searching your name, location and job.


DunDunDun Ima Shark! said...

16? Here it's 13.

SkippyMom said...

That is ME typing in "pizza hut team member blog"...I don't have you bookmarked on all the computers I use [work, my daughter's etc.] so when I want to read you, that is how I find you...don't be scared...hee! Be flattered I actually remember the name...[grins]

Someone found my blog by typing in "dirty jokes Thanksgiving dinner" - I have no idea why....