Monday 30 October 2006

No apologies

I once again make an apology to you, whereas the post title comes from a customer the other day.

I was round back doing some more training, when a manager asked me to the front to serve at it was a bit busy. The managers always apologise for this, normally with something like "Sorry (my name)". I don't expect apologies from them - but they are all very courteous people. I am of course too, to staff and customers. However this madam thought differently. So there I am serving, and as usual even though I'd been pulled away from doing something, I am always very jolly to customers. I always smile and shout "Hi there - are you waiting?!" or similar to people who are standing in the queue. This generally gets a good reception which normally consists of a smile and a hello. I feel that quite often I am the warmest and most helpful person serving. Whether the customer thinks so or not - I don't know, but I'd like to be served by someone like me! Right thats enough of the background.

This miserable git comes over with a child. This git didn't look much like a typical miserable git however - but she was. The child was asking questions about certain pizzas etc, and I answered in what I thought was a friendly and helpful manner. I pointed and told the git and child about the menu where they could find out exactly what was on each pizza. Git stared at it - and then asked me another question about what was on a pizza. I don't think my face had a particular look to it at this point - but she did and blarted out "DON'T GIVE THAT BLOODY VACANT LOOK - I AM ONLY ASKING QUESTIONS FOR GODS SAKE". I was shocked, so my face THEN turned vacant and miserable. I looked to my right. My deputy was there. Should I be relieved by the back up if needed or worried about the possible bollocking. I served the customer - now with plain thank yous and no offer of anything else. I made no apology or reply to her rant at me. Who is she to talk to me like that? I could possibly understand a complaint about the company - but not a personal attack on me.

The customer went off in a mood - the deputy was still there. I will not repeat the deputys words, but they were rather derogatory and not towards me. Phew! At least if the git complains, I have the back up of the deputy, support manager and another team member. I was asked if I was alright. I was fine! I found it quite funny really, I've had my first truely crap customer and complaint. I don't much of what people say to heart, so this git was no different.

There are a few other events recently.

One is the customer who took ages to choose her meals, then paid in 10p and 20p coins. I could see notes in her purse! Argh. I'm getting used to the shrapnel now though. My favourite money amount is pound coins and £5 notes - please spend these where possible.

I ripped two pairs of trousers, in the same place, in two days. I have not identified the cause yet.

I have been shown how to do an intense floor clean. It comprises of a wet mop, scrub and then a dry mop. The floor looks lovely after, but it is a hell of a lot of effort.

I learnt how to change Pepsi, Tango etc syrups. I was worried it was going to be complicated, but it was so easy - which is nice change. In the centre we are located, we don't have masses of customers and queues compared to others (ie. McDonalds), but we have the most stock and are the most well organised. I caught a glimpse of the McDonalds store room the other day - very messy place - ours - lovely - clean and tidy.

Had a customer complain of 'mould' on the dough of a pizza. There are so many reasons why it couldn't possibly be mould. One being the dough is frozen, the second being the dough is stored for any longer than a week in the freezer and it has a very long BBE date - months after we actually use it. Another is that any mould (not that there ever is any) would be noticed when the topping is applied. What was this mysterious green 'mould'? It is food safe pen we use to mark food boxes - which is black but sometimes seaps through the card and goes green. It is safe to eat, but we always swap the pizza if a customer returns it. It isn't worth the hassle of a complaint through head office, and it ensures that the customer is satisfied and may well return to us or another Pizza Hut.

To give you an idea of how clean I think the place is - I eat food from there everytime I work. I wouldn't do it if I didn't think it was clean - I am very fussy.

Oh and finally (I think) there was the woman who wanted two cups but "Would only fill half each". Sorry love, once you have the cup you can do what you want with it - so you either pay for it, or don't get one. She made a song and dance about this and replied "I can't be bothered with this - I'll just have one cup then" then muttered a possibly obscenity. I watched where she sat down. There was presumably her husband. He came bumbling up to the counter. Guess what he wanted. To buy a drink. The woman wouldn't be seen backing down, so sent her husband to buy one anyway. She wasted her and her husbands time and made her look even more stupid than before.


Anonymous said...

Customers are fantastic aren't they? Still at least the good ones outnumber the bad.

Anonymous said...

Hey! My McDonalds store/stockroom isn't all that bad, pretty nice and tidy actually...well only cause us dining area hostesses are made to brush and mop it every night on closes. Not that we even make the mess! Bloody crew members...hee hee. :)