Monday 2 October 2006

Quiet = sugar mess

Just returned from my shift. Wow it was busy, in one hour we had 3 customers. I'm not sure how exactly we coped with the large numbers, but we pulled it off. In my shift (3 hours on FOH, 30mins elsewhere, I'm P/T incase you hadn't noticed yet...) I served no more than 15 customers. My till at the end of the night was also a miserable sight, I doubt there was even £200 in it, and I started with £100.

Only had one git in tonight - and even they weren't that miserable. Just had a face like a smack arse and with no please and thank you. I am extremely polite. We had full range of products today - with the exception of side salads. I managed to achieve 5 upsells, and 4 muffin sales.

There was an exceptionally friendly couple (bordering on elderly) who returned some mayo today as they didn't require it. Not had that happen before, people normally just chuck it. I love nice old people, but hate not nice ones. I don't mind other not nice people - but not nice old people are the worst.

Oh and there was the moron youth who thought he could fill his McFlurry up with the ICF - what planet are these people on?

Pretty much it for tonight, one last note that I had to take an entire cage full of rubbish out - and this is not easy having to go through 3 security doors, and the cage piled upto the ceiling so bits dropping off everywhere. Then to top it off a bag decided to split and go all over the car park. And the problem is I can't leave it as security have nothing better to do than report other staff. Please be sympathetic - I had 15 customers and a cage!

1 comment:

David said...

I know what you mean about not nice old people. I was raining for the first time in a month on Sunday and this elderly couple got on the bus and did nothing but moan, the weather, how long they had waited for the bus,( a 12 minute service on a Sunday) and my present pet hate, not being able to use their bus passes from some where Up North. I took great delight in telling them the weather was going to be bad until Wednesday and we had just had the best September on record, shame you didn't come then. That cheared me up no end.

PS before any has a go at me re the Up North bit, almost every where is Up North from Torquay.