Friday 2 February 2007

Have I been found???

Something very strange happened today, with a 'regular' customer, who has been mentioned on this blog before. They look like the type of person who would read a blog, and their behaviour and what they said was very weird, so I think maybe they want to see if they got a mention?!! It's very unlikely but I will leave him alone for today.

A pretty normal day, everyone has got paid after Christmas so we are a lot busier now in comparison to last week. I was feeling a bit glum at one point, but the next customer I got was so nice. For some reason him just saying "Thanks for that, see you again mate" with a smile and mini wave made me smile, and cheered me up for the rest of the shift.

On the newsletter/magazine subject again. I looked through it, and there is a basically a big advert for Micros which the EPOS equipment and software we use, blabbering on about how it has helped a Hut. Yeah, we couldn't manage without it, but it is far from perfect and don't they think they've paid them enough already without giving them a free advert? An example of the problems it has. Till breaks down, ring them up. "Yeah it is isn't our fault but we will send someone anyway (because we're sooo good to you??!)" About a week later, they come. 10 minutes later, the till is left in pieces and the engineer is gone. Example 2: Manager calls them because an order will not budge off the system. "Well you need to reset all the terminals and server before we can log in" "You've logged in before and deleted the orders...can you not do that?" "No" "Well I can't turn them all off...we're in a peak hour here..!" "Well we can't do anything until you do". Morons.


Al said...

We deal with two maintainence companies now. One is really good, you'll get a call back from an engineer in 15 minutes and if it can't be fixed over the phone or by ADSL link then they'll be out the next day.

The other one is crap, I consider myself lucky if I can get them to answer the phone to report the problem in the first place. These people even have the cheek to have "Emergency" in their name.

The Iced Fox said...

hiya! feeling your rants here; i used to work in mcdonalds!

now i work at an even more idiot customer attracting place; tesco!

my ranting hotspot is this...

AggressiveAdmin said...

Our IT services are up the creek as well. They never know what you're talking about, the engineer that they dispatch arrives and doesn't seem to know what he's doing. Either that or they haven't equipped him with the parts he needs.

And they don't understand the concept of urgency. Our tills are wired up in pairs and on one occasion the power supply to two pairs of tills failed leaving us with only 6 mainbank tills operating on a busy weekend. It took them 5 days to sort it.