Sunday 18 February 2007

My cat

Well a lot of other people feature their cat, so here's mine hugging a cap and coat hanger. She was asleep, but her eye slightly opened because of the flash. Aww. I do not shop at Dorothy Perkins before you's Mothers. More Pizza Hut posts soon - honest!!


Al said...

You sure you don't shop at Dorothy Perkins? :)

AggressiveAdmin said...

Our cat was a legend. She was the most vicious, fierce creature ever to have walked the earth. If you so much as walked past her you could expect to be savagely attacked. She didn't mellow with old age either - she was brutal right up until she died - about a month short of turning 22 (!) years old.

And there was my mam and dad trying to prepare me for the event of Samantha dying when she was 15!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful and she looks just like my cat...

David said...

I alway put the cat on the blog when there is not much happening. So long as I feed him he doesn't care.