Wednesday 21 February 2007

"The usual"

It was going to happen because I've worked there for about 5 months now, and I had someone say "I'll have my usual please...". No idea what the hell they are on about. Yeah, I recognise them but there is no way I can remember what you're going to have. Except for cap man, who I know what he wants because I have featured him on here, and he NEVER changes. Ever.

Oh and if the shutter is nearly all the way down, and you have to bend to get in, then no we "aren't still serving". Also, if you come in after we've closed, but the shutter is half down to get a refill, I don't mind. I do mind when I see you making a mess, and taking bloody ages. You took so long I had time to go to the back of the restaurant and start putting the shutter down even further to get you out the way.

The sweet chilli dip. Our store can't order it (and I think, but will check that it is infact a permanent item in FSR and HSR so I don't know why not..), and my sympathy didn't last for very long with people so I am back with the "No." answer. This is mainly because I had some more Chicken Selects with dip and felt like crap for the next two days.

I must also thank the lady who dropped me off to work the other day. She works with Mother, and they read this blog daily, and she demanded to be mentioned. Her is covered in mud, on the INSIDE. Enough said!!


cookie monster said...

shes coverd with mud on the inside? how the heck did that happen?

Anonymous said...

Its amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it.